Responsible for the protection of your personal data.
In accordance with the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Individuals and its regulations, La Empresa Proteína Animal SA de CV, is committed to the protection of your personal data, being responsible for its use, handling and confidentiality. In this regard, it informs you of the following:
For what purposes do we use your personal data?
The Company Proteína Animal S.A. de C.V. collects and uses your personal data for the fulfillment of the following purposes:
* Confirm your identity.
* Understand and meet your needs to provide quality service.
* Provide security and legal certainty of the facts, acts and legal businesses that celebrate public instruments.
* Draw up private instruments (contracts and / or promissory notes) of our interest.
* Carry out collection procedures.
* Provide information about our products through our website, email, telephone or personally to your establishment and / or person.
* Comply with the legal, regulatory or other requirements that are applicable.
* Verify the information you provide us.
Additionally, we use your personal information to conduct evaluation surveys of Proteína Animal S.A. de C.V. personnel, as well as our products, services or promotions. Although these purposes are not necessary to provide the services that you request or contract with us, they allow us to provide you with a better service and raise our quality. In case you do not want your personal data to be processed for these purposes, from this moment on you can express your refusal at Proteína Animal S.A. de C.V., requesting the corresponding format.
In case you do not want your personal data to be used, please indicate this below:
I do not consent to my personal data being used for the following purposes:
* Carrying out evaluation surveys of the services provided.
* The offering of new products or promotions.
The refusal to use your personal data for these purposes may not be a reason for us to deny the services you request from Proteína Animal S.A. de C.V. If you do not express your refusal, it will be understood that you authorize the use of your personal information for these purposes.
What personal data do we use for the above purposes?
As a client of any of our services, we may request personal information, which varies depending on the case, regarding:
▪ Your name, nationality, place and date of birth, marital status, address, occupation, your RFC and / or your CURP and, where appropriate, your immigration status.
▪ Your email and phone number.
▪ Your patrimonial data such as bank accounts, credits, movable and immovable property, assets, liabilities, among others.
▪ Information about your spouse, heirs, legatees and beneficiaries.
▪ Official proofs that prove your identity and personality of the information that you declare.
With whom do we share your personal data?
Eventually, your personal data is shared for compliance with legal requirements or the attention of a well-founded and motivated order of the competent authorities in exercise of their functions of notification, surveillance and inspection, specifically, with the Public Registry of Property and Commerce of the State of Jalisco or other Federative Entities, Unique Registry of Movable Guarantees, regarding the operations that you request from us, the Tax Administration Service in matters of taxes, as well as local or federal judicial or administrative authorities within the framework of the Mexican legislation.
Likewise, we inform you that in the event that Proteína Animal S.A. de C.V. is forced or needs to transfer your personal information to national or foreign third parties other than those mentioned in the previous paragraph for the fulfillment of our services, you will be previously informed of this situation in order to request your authorization and inform you about the recipients or third party recipients and purposes of said transfers, in terms of the provisions of articles 36 and 37 of the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties and 68 of its regulations.
In any case, we will communicate this privacy notice to the recipients of your personal data, so that they respect its terms.
How can you exercise your ARCO rights or revoke your consent?
You may access, rectify, cancel or oppose the processing of your personal data that we have in our records and files, or revoke your consent for the use of them, given a written request at our address addressed to the person or department of privacy, or via email
In this regard, we want to show you that the exercise of ARCO rights or the revocation of consent is independent of the modifications to the personal data established in the public instruments issued by Proteína Animal S.A. de C.V. Therefore, any action or request that you request regarding them will be ruled by the applicable legislation.
It is important to inform you that your request must contain, at least, the following information: (I) your name or that of your representative, address or other means to communicate the response; (II) the documents that prove your identity, or where appropriate, that of your representative; (III) the clear and precise description of the personal data with respect to which you seek to exercise your right and (IV) any other element or document that facilitates the location of the personal data. Likewise, you must prove your identity by means of valid official identification or in case of submitting your request through your representative, through a public instrument, a power of attorney signed before two witnesses or a statement in the personal appearance of the owner.
We promise to give you an answer within a maximum period of 20 business days from the day we receive your request, which we will make available to you at our address if you submitted your request to Proteína Animal S.A. de C.V., or by email if the exercise of ARCO rights requested by this means, after proof of identity. If you request access to your personal data, the reproduction of these will be carried out through simple copies, electronic files, or you can consult them directly on site.
In case of requesting your right to rectification, your request must be accompanied by the documentation that supports the origin of the request.
The procedures and requirements can be consulted at our electronic address, Or by calling 01 800 4000 2467.
Other means to limit the use and disclosure of your personal data.
If you want to stop receiving advertising or promotions of our services, you can:
* Submit your request personally at our address addressed to the person or privacy department.
* Send an email to the following email address:
* Call the telephone number 01 800 4000 2467.
How will we inform you about changes to this confidentiality notice?
This privacy notice may undergo modifications or updates, therefore, we promise to keep you informed of such a situation through the following means:
* Our website and / or
* Personal notification to your email.
* In the first communication we have with you after the change.
How to contact us?
If you have any questions about this privacy notice or our privacy policy, you can direct it to:
* The website and / or
* The email address is addressed to the person or privacy department, with address, Km. 2 San Juan – Guadalajara highway, in San Juan de los Lagos, Jalisco, C.P. 47000.
* By phone 01 800 4000 2467.
Likewise, we make available copies of this privacy notice from our address and on our website and / or
If you consider that your right to the protection of personal data has been violated by any conduct of our employees or our actions or responses, you can go to the Federal Institute for Access to Information and Data Protection (IFAI). For more information visit